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  1. Broadcasting in the UK
  2. Ireland - more licences on the way
  3. New pan-European radio station RTI to launch on 9 April
  4. SOE Agents Talk at Station X (live event on Sunday)
  5. Local licences in the Solent area
  6. Winter SWL Fest March 11-12
  7. Calling the North East - radio expert airs view of the future
  8. How does a debt elimination program work
  9. Ireland - new radio stations welcomed but very late - Ó Coistín
  10. Re: Winter SWL Fest March 11-12
  11. For sale: Partial interest in LPTV CP in Delaware.
  12. Dublin - Irish Music Radio
  13. Radio Baltika To Expand RFE/RL Russian Broadcasts
  14. List of Internet Radio Shows & Stations and other recorded programs on-line.
  15. PURE introduces iVOX(tm) Voice Feedback Technology for DAB
  16. "The End of Radio"
  17. History of VOA
  18. Amateur Radio In 2050
  19. SW Radio Africa - 3230 & 6145Khz
  20. For Sale: modules from BBC Radio 1 Broadcast Console
  21. Thats decent?
  22. Free voiceover service RadioDaddy going strong
  23. Ireland - Radio waves
  24. Satellite radio growth projections stir concern
  25. Radio Canada International - 60 Years of Radio Worldwide
  26. Sirius Radio -- A Question or Two.
  27. WRN competition
  28. EMR
  29. Latest Online Oldies shows on Rock-it Radio
  30. EPG and new Portable DAB on Show
  31. Radio Free Nashville: Reclaim the Airwaves!
  32. For sale: Partial interest in LPTV CP for small Delaware coastal market.
  33. La France est placée pour DAB
  34. DX tests tonight
  35. Smokin' Jukebox On AMMR
  36. DAB or FM
  37. Applications for Community Radio Licences
  38. NYC: Live Political Satire & Comedy Manhattan Tuesday Nights. Attn
  39. Disasters spark interest in radio
  40. 'Podcasters' deliver radio-on-demand
  41. WorldSpace unveils new satellite radio receiver:
  42. Amateur voices return to radio via podcasting
  43. Sony launches the XDR-M1 its smallest DAB player yet
  44. Kinky Radio is now On The Air! 43211
  45. For sale: Partial interest in CP for new LPTV in Delaware.
  46. Contact Info for Midwest Radio Ratings Center?
  47. Radio Taiwan International
  48. XM Satellite Radio Revs Up 2005 NASCAR Season
  49. UK - No immediate plans for digital radio on iPod
  50. Eutelsat Selects ILS Proton for Assurance of HOT BIRD Launch Beginning 2006
  51. For Auction: Sencore Test Equipment:
  52. For Auction: Waveform monitor
  53. For Auction: Russco Turntable:
  54. Would like feedback about becoming a private FM translator for commercial station.
  55. Pirate radio nonsense
  56. Techie Question: Streaming audio to mp3 ??
  57. U100 St. Paul / Mpls
  58. XMMS Scheduler
  59. "Pirate" 756 project
  60. Nepal reins in private radio channels
  61. International Museums Weekend 2005
  62. "Spirit of pirate radio survives despite station's shutdown!
  63. For Auction: Russco Turntable
  64. Progressive talk radio grows
  65. Ofcom unveils largest FM licence to date
  66. DRM live at Le Radio!
  67. Re: Note: The AOL Newsgroup service will be discontinued in early
  68. To NotValid[at]Surplus4actors.info
  69. This week on WUGA's Just Off The Radar
  70. Re: XM v. Sirius
  71. Radio Vanuatu should be back on shortwave soon
  72. Take40:UK Chart Show
  73. Re: Note: The AOL Newsgroup service will be discontinued in early 2005.
  74. XM vs Sirius
  75. Free broadcasting training courses
  76. RADIOCART Blank Screen
  77. FA: Wavetek/Schlumberger 4031D Service Monitor
  78. Swansea Local Radio
  79. SAQ to broadcast on 2 February?
  80. Why satellite radio sucks
  81. China Radio International signs new contract for international broadcast services with WRN
  82. iTech Xfm DAB radio
  83. iTech Xfm DAB radio
  84. Why satellite radio sucks
  85. Over £3M Raised through UK Radio Aid
  86. Swansea Local Radio
  87. This week in Flagstaff history 01/29/05
  88. DRM: Technical Aspects of The On-Air System
  89. Listen Again
  90. Re: This week in Flagstaff history 01/29/05
  91. WOOD radio; Gr. Rapids, Mi- calls others "LIARS"- no proof
  92. looking for radio shows from the 50's
  93. KCMP and aacPlus, Ogg question
  94. Radio Sweden - "We're back (I hope)..."
  95. Spain's RNE begins regular DRM broadcasts on mediumwave
  96. Sirius and XM Satellite Radio rumoured to be in merger talks
  97. Former VOA Bethany site in urgent need of repair
  98. ABU-HFC to tackle shortwave broadcast interference
  99. 9290 khz
  100. Re: TALENT WANTED-Radio/TV V.O's w/in house ISDN Layer 2
  101. Bid to broadcast from off Suffolk coast
  102. MV Communicator up for sale
  103. FCC levies $10,000 fine for unlicensed operation
  104. Re: Sirius and XM antennas interchangeable?
  105. Has XERF boosted it's power?
  107. BBC Internet Radio Re-Launch
  108. This week on Just Off The Radar
  109. US Radio $28m campaign for listeners
  110. Florida college DJ breaks record for longest continuous radio broadcast
  111. 'Free Radio - The Story Of Clandestine Radio In The UK'
  112. kqrs - tommy b - moving to florida?
  113. Solar Storms 'Could Hit Satellite Communications'
  114. FCC levies $10,000 fine for unlicensed operation
  115. Solar storm interrupts China's short-wave radio transmission
  116. FCC Chairman Powell Said to Be Resigning
  117. Digital radio sales surge past 1m mark
  118. ipodder problems? (actually not just ipodder)
  119. One use for RCI Sackville's transmitters : transmitting the VOA Persian and Arabic services to the Americas...
  120. The Crystal Ship
  121. WWW: Broadcastdb LIVE Radios and TV Database
  122. AM Band propagation question
  123. Radio NZ gets ready to stream
  124. Re: Lip syncing and Miming on Leno...
  125. For sale: Partial interest in LPTV station in Delaware
  126. Tribute to John Dunn
  127. Five million homes have Freeview
  128. ARRL Rebuts Denial of Interference from BPL Trial, Decries FCC Inaction
  130. World Caledar of Events (January from today)
  131. New licence for the Newry area
  132. Re: airwaves-digest V2004 #329
  133. AM station for sale on eBay
  134. DRM listing in Wikapedia needs more updating...
  135. Re: Sirius Radio- What is your opinion?
  136. Radio Canada retransmit Radio China International : Chinese PTT leases SW transmitters in China, similar model to VOR.ru (via ROSTELCOM)
  137. Commercial radio unites for tsunami fundraiser
  138. Amateur Radio Under Threat in the UK
  139. Radio Six International
  140. For sale: Partial interest in 1 KW AM daytimer in small Alabama market.
  141. WWI Announces Broadcast Team For Super Bowl XXXIX
  142. 50,000 radios to be sent to tsunami-hit areas
  143. FM Radio reception and The President?
  145. KQRS - Hey now they have 117 songs!
  146. Radio 555 raises over 5 million euro in one day!
  147. World record attempt
  148. The "Radio Revolution" and "Talk Radio"
  149. Radio Shark - the Tivo for Radio Product
  150. test
  151. Radio had no warnings of killer waves
  152. Partial interest in new LPTV for sale.
  153. Radio 555 will be on shortwave and Internet tomorrow!
  154. Victor Goonetilleke says amateur radio saved lives in Sri Lanka
  155. Why Internet radio will "arrive" this year
  156. WMLT radio station celebrates 60 years
  157. Joe Bev. Talks About Daws Butler on The Bob Edwards Show
  158. Why Ofcom's on the right wavelength
  159. Netherlands - Radio 355 special broadcast
  160. Radio puts out hundreds of messages in India's tsunami-hit islands
  161. Netherlands - Radio 355 special broadcast
  162. Top 10 of 2004
  163. A rumour?
  164. Cuban radio
  165. Radio 4 tomorrow (Monday) evening - 20:30 Don't Touch that Dial
  166. Some things for sale/wanted ***FundRaising***
  167. Radio lookahead for 2005
  168. Switzerland for the outside world (will the internet replace shortwave radio)
  169. Radio review of the year
  170. For sale: Partial ownersip of LPTV station in Delaware.
  171. First FM lab now 'Historic'
  172. VOA Asia relay
  173. All India Radio, Bangalore, reports requested
  174. Administrivia: Happy New Year
  175. Media Highlights Of 2004 By Radio Netherlands' Andy Sennitt
  176. Radio Heritage Foundation launches web site
  177. US Christian network on mediumwave in Romania
  178. Talk Show
  179. DRM from Luxembourg
  180. Administrivia: Oops
  181. 50,000 watt oldies stations in the eastern U.S.?
  182. Mid to late 1940's New York City Radio
  183. Voice-over master class
  184. Voice-over master class
  185. Mid to late 1940's New York City Radio
  186. Re: XM Radio - Favorites and disappointments
  187. Radio-station call letters are just confusing
  188. Russia/Ukraine: Voice of Russia signal partially jammed by local station
  189. Re: Special programme tomorrow - the future of international broadcasting
  190. Number Of AM Stations Still On Downswing.
  191. Special programme tomorrow - the future of international broadcasting
  192. Re: great pay at Clear channel stations
  193. Radio in Melbourne
  194. TIVO for Radio? Pogo/Olympus
  195. Korea - Making Radio Waves
  196. Cuban radio signal interferes with WQAM
  197. rcs and rds
  198. Stan "hangs it up" (INSIDE RADIO)
  199. Communism, Democracy and... PRESS
  200. Orkney - Radio station trial cancelled
  201. KROQ / El Conejo / Shadoe
  202. Whole Wheat Radio
  203. New station on 756 kHz planned in Åland, Finland
  204. Have a Politically-Correct 25th Day of December
  205. BBC to air Beatles Christmas Radio Special
  206. For sale: Partial interest in AM daytimer in small Alabama city.
  207. A sad day for British radio...
  208. For all of you Majic 102.7 FM (oldies) fans...
  209. Female looking for postion in Atlanta
  211. Broadcastdb - LIVE Radios and TV Web Database
  212. Pirate radio calls for inauguration protests
  213. Anybody do home recording?
  214. Is it legal to dump streaming internet audio?
  215. Jack Carney & the Saturday Morning Comedy Show
  216. Bozo Engineers @ ClearChannel?
  217. For sale: Partial interest in AM daytimer in small Alabama city.
  218. For sale: Partial interest in LPTV. East coast beach resort city.
  219. Plane strikes KFI radio tower, killing 2
  220. RTL 1440 DAB
  221. Beautiful Music Radio
  222. [Airwaves] Re: What AM Station do you miss the most?
  223. BBC boasts huge take-up of radio downloads
  224. For sale: Partial interest in AM daytimer in Alabama.
  225. Pan American Broadcasting
  226. Santa on air!
  227. 2005 Super Frequency List CD-ROM
  228. Ireland - BCI plans further radio and television licences
  229. Radio Prague considering using longwave for English & German
  230. Satellite radio's new gadgets?
  231. FCC refuses to censor satellite radio
  232. World record for Digital AM Broadcasting announced
  233. Syndication: How?
  234. BBC asks for three-year interval before digital radio switchover
  235. "A Nation's Station"
  236. Podcasting will 'revolutionize radio'
  237. What AM Station do you miss the most?
  238. Dayton Hamvention at Hara Arena Until 2007
  239. Israel SW reprieve again
  240. Radio revolution: the DRM way
  241. some items for sale/trade, some items wanted
  242. TV shows on radio I would like to see: "Airwaves" (1986) CBC TV Canada...
  243. Kinky Radio is now On The Air! 27666
  244. Re: airwaves-digest V2004 #295
  245. KINL on 1942 Airmans Chart
  246. Voice Talent Wanted!
  248. Voice Talent and Audio Production Services...
  249. KBME Houston to Sports on 12/20
  250. Buy Out Production Music Downloads and CDs