View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: Darth Vader And G.W. Bush: A Common Vision Of Empire?
- Did you know? (ot)
- QSL from Radio Transmundial
- QSL from Voice of Russia
- QSL from RRI Makassar
- QSL from Radio Madang
- QSL from Radio Tashkent
- Re: Say good-by to Radio Shack Canada
- Propagation
- Ebay: Was This Fair??
- Need Help from Someone using RLDB
- Re: SWL Numbers Stations
- FS: Drake SW8
- Replace caps for better audio?
- 7-9 Hurricanes Predicted This Season, 3-5 ''major''
- Freaky Weather: snowstorm, rainstorm and sandstorm simultaneously
- I just thousght of a way to overcome MUF!
- Service manual for Phillips/Magnavox D2999
- Propagation (Special)
- Web Broadcasting BAN
- Major Solar Storm underway
- re: JR "Bob" Dobbs said: "eternal salvation or TRIPLE your money back!"
- Shortwave Listening Logs from Southern California-HB
- Grundig/Eton FR250 questions....
- Newsweek report on Quran desecration inaccurate
- Re: Liberty Net 3956 KHz LSB
- Beaming shortwave from satellite/space
- Race and Radio
- A Good face for RADIO
- Desktop metal shielded PC case?
- sw dead on radio shack dx-390
- Speech of Mao Zedong's Grandson
- Advisor to Former Gen. Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
- Major Climate Change Under Way As Predicted
- Re: World Radio Handbook 3rd Edition (1948) on eBay
- FS Sangean ATS-909 and Sony ICFSW07 = $150 Both
- RE: RS Worlwide Shortwave Listening Guide
- Get High
- I'm tired of picking up religion nuts on my shortwave!
- Re: OT Just what is wrong with their brains?
- Re: friday 13th (Liberty Net on 3.960 ??)
- Broadcastdb - Live radios online: Just added:
- traveler info radio
- BBC Monitoring Caversham promotional video
- Join these Australian and New Zealand Radio Newsgroups
- HRD Ver3.2 released :')
- Re: DSP audio filters: Timewave 599zx, MFJ 784B -- Useful for SWBC listening?
- Who makes this radio?
- SW Transmitter Site Archive - email address
- What is a Panasonic RF-2900 Worth to YOU?
- Shortwave Radio Station Transmitter Site Archive
- Re: Mexico furious: RealID Act to protect border and enforce laws
- Looking for good PCR-100 software
- Utillity freq List;
- International Museums Weekend 2005
- Jamming on BBC World Service 12095kHz?
- Top News
- Re: Kiwa MAP for Auction - Rare Synchronous Detection Accessory with Filters, Speaker, and More
- PINGING dxAce...
- Re: 50 Ohm Vs 75 Ohm BNCs
- EMR ( European Music Radio) E- QSL
- Propagation
- Re: DSP audio filters: Timewave 599zx, MFJ 784B -- Useful for SWBC listening?
- MW receiver
- DX Test coming up at 42.8 MHz
- Help IC
- I Guess he's gone
- FS/FT: Degen DE 1102 & Tecsun PL 350 SW Radios
- Re: Voice of Greece?
- Question about JRC NRD-545 DSP
- A "silly" question
- What's a better HF receive-only antenna: MFJ-1024 or a loop?
- Re: Star Wars III ROTS ( spoilers R in here )
- Re: FCC developing psychological test for ham spam
- Two Radios with AM-SYNC for Nightime "BedSide" Listening
- Radios and AM Sync Detection
- Re: Radios with AM Sync Detection
- VG R.Australia 1200 UTC on 9.560
- ILG Database Updated Again 5-11-05
- Bruce Williams on BCB ?
- R melodia coming in now
- Shortwave Listening Logs from Southern California-HB
- New forum and site for legal, unlicensed low power radio hobbyists.
- LPTV station on Channel 6 in NYC
- non-ham QRP DX beacon.
- Build it yourself?
- Re: Antennas for LPFM and LPTV made affordable!
- Jimmy Buffet channel coming to Sirius
- Speak of the devil, and....
- Received a Radio Prague QSL Card
- Transmission I could hear through domestic lamps
- Recommendations for Dominican Republic reception
- Re: Write your own caption!
- Re: RF/Microwave Design Software
- Re: Federal Government to Require Everyone Carry RFID Chip
- New AM station today in Utah KUTR 820 KHz
- Bad E-W MW propagation
- I cannot pick up WorldSpace satellite anymore !
- WWII anniversary coverage excellent
- What is "news" in this "news group" anyway?
- Reception this early morning good and late morning to 20:15 UTC poor.
- DREAM DRM Software ?
- FA: DIPOLE KIT FOR 40-10mtrs>Real Copper wire & Ceramic NR
- R. Nacional de Paraguay 9737 kHz
- North American listeners, what's your favorite casual listening station?
- Bush Lauds Capture of Al Qaeda Intern
- new ssb mode?
- OT offered as Humor. Confessions of a stupid man.
- Hoola-Loop Antenna
- WTB: Lowe HF 225 Europa
- Defusing a Nuclear Nightmare
- Antenna Question
- Liberty Net 3.952.4
- Pirate- 6.955
- Radio Damascus
- FS: Mint NRD515/NDH-518/NVA-515
- ILG A05 is available...
- ILG Radio Database Updated Today 5-7-05
- Wanted: General Coverage Receiver AM/SB/USB
- For Sale or Trade: Degen DE1102 & Tecsun PL 350
- Radar trial to watch Torres Strait
- Kenwood 5000-R reciever
- Wing TV versus Alex Jones.
- Who OWNS that finger?
- Re: Degen DE1102 charging circuit ?
- Propagation
- Some power supply considerations
- Re: voice of africa in English ?
- Fishing Vessel in distress
- Tight times?
- Only on eBay... Sony ICF-2010 plus 'another' Radio ;-)
- ? INFO ? Info Tech M-6000 Multi-Mode Code Receiver
- Possible Record Price for Drake R7
- Yaesu FRG-7 better than Icom R75 or Drake R8B !!!!
- CBC's "As It Happens" = Terrible Program
- Newbie
- Discriminator tap for ICOM R-71A
- This is only a test
- iam back from being with my wimmin
- Pastor Peters on 7.465 @ 21:00 EDT / 01:00 UTC
- Re: equipment
- Chinese Government Intensifies Control over Broadband Connections (Very Bad News)
- Cut-price Chinese Car (& Radio) Copies
- China: Jamming, Censorship & Violence Stalk the Independent Press
- Shortwave Listening Logs from Southern California-HB
- Broadcastdb - Update - New Stations
- Col David Hackworth RIP
- DC power better?
- Iran Re-opens New RadioActive Airport - UK & Canada Issue Warning!
- Do you recognize this sound?
- Ten-Tec RX-350D opinions?
- Whats this?? 9195Khz
- Re: New cland for Gambia April 27-29
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Shortwave status? (and computers)
- Dimmers of Death!
- did someone really get bumped for OT crud?
- Top News
- Black Columnist claims "Anti-gay laws reveal inhumanity"
- THIS Finger Was REAL!
- Morning Headlines 5/4/05
- Ham Radio Decor
- FS: Realistic TRF (12-655) $50 shipped
- OFF TOPIC Phoenix Man Dies After Being Tasered
- Re: cjml on air on 99 watts
- Yet Another Antenna Question
- New edition of Broadcasts in English
- Re: Some notes on using a PCR1000 on SW
- COMSTA Kodiak
- Got my Kaito today
- Israel's Identity: It Matters!
- 5.850 Mhz
- QSL from Radio Southern Highlands
- QSL from Radio Guaiba, Brazil
- Radio Shack in Canada
- Splatter +/-110kHz from 9735kHz?
- AM Radio Question
- NASWA - North American Shortwave Association
- Re: Radio New York International is ON THE AIR!!
- A perfect description of the retard Porky Davies.....
- US House Resolution Calls on FCC to Evaluate BPL Interference, Review Rules
- SWLing in Ohio
- FA/Quantum Loop QX PRO/QUANTUM PHASER/Palstar MW550P
- Grundig FR200 LED lightbulb
- Emilia Earhart
- Re: QSL from Voice of Mongolia
- Mideast reception tonight, 2 May 0300
- Re: American Christians
- TenTec software for a Palm
- Numbers Station 8100 KHz AM
- Pastor Peters goes 24/2 ++ on WWCR
- Pastor Peters with special announcement
- Bro. Stair's WWCR time
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Re: Liberty Net has been sighted!!
- PopCom Editor comes to Feeding Hills, MA - May 6th
- "Lifelong" SW radio sold at Walgreens in US
- FS: Realistic TRF (12-655)
- For Trade: R8A for SW8
- MARS voice net
- Hello
- Lardass confesses he has no money! Looks like his "promotion" was all a lie!
- Reception today 4_30_2005
- Heading South
- CBC/RCI: A Bush crony appointed ambassador
- Re: Cuhulin thrown off Webtv? my 2 cents
- I liked Cuhulin. He is funny. Very funny man. Liked dogs.
- shelf life of a new sw radio
- Propagation
- Re: Cuhulin thrown off Webtv?
- NEW COBY Pocket Radio
- Garafalo/Seder Air America #1 in New York City
- Boring Modern Electronics and Bacon Strips
- [FA TIL 306, TIL 308 LED Displays
- I wonder
- WGN to be off the air late tonight
- FRG-7 digital display?
- Ripping Off Good Reads in China
- "CIRA" meaning In ILG Data (in swlog program) ?
- Look! Up In the Sky! ....It's Radio Shack's Second Coming!
- Cuhulin caught in another lie.........Imagine that!
- Re: For Sale: Obese, sawed off, toothless, redneck.....The grocery...
- CCRadio VS Grundig S350
- Gov. Praises 'Minuteman' Campaign ( OT)
- Vesco (or Wesco?) smiles at miles - Do you have any information on this tiny radio?
- Chipping Time?
- Australian Communications Authority releases long awaited BPL discussion paper!!
- India - Thanks to AIR, 'rag chewing' has become clamorous affair for ham operators
- FS: Sony ICF-SW7600GR $99
- Pirate at 01:25 on 6.854 ( USB)
- Pastor Peters on 3 hours starting now - 21:00 EDT / 01:00 UTC at5070
- Re: Funny...
- Radio Interference Cause
- Re: Sony SW77 vs. ICF-2010
- Morgellons Disease !
- honus Sucks dicks
- OR:Nuvistor plate(anode) voltage
- Scanner Freq's Kern County, California
- There is
- SW Radios For Sale
- I wouldn't doubt
- v.p.cheney
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