Mother Brakob, Listen Up!
Hate to tell you this, but your son Hans seems to have run away from
A bit over a week ago he got all uppity and had a hissy-fit over some
alleged "poor research" on Reg Fessenden's 1906 voice broadcast.
Your son must have been so ashamed he can't comment on my
reply...which referenced a McGraw-Hill publication special edition,
verbatim, even to the page and column location.
Your son must still think it is possible to voice-modulate a SPARK
transmitter. Pity that, considering he is a (self-stated) "degreed-
before-USN-service Master Chief" now a Manager at an electronics
Voice modulating a spark transmitter would be like trying to voice
modulate a doorbell buzzer. It creates something that may sound
like voice but it sure isn't intelligible. You should encourage him to
work on the techniique. It might even make an interesting project to
highlight the tube fanzine called "Electric Radio!"
Mama Brakob, your son also loved to make the comment that
"gentlemen can disagree without being disagreeable." He then
went and started a whole new thread by being as disagreeable
as possible. You've lost him somehow, Mom Brakob.
I do hope you find your son again and impress upon him good
virtues. Keep the candle lit in the window and GOOD LUCK ON
Best regards,
Len Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person