Jack Twilley wrote in message ...
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"Jim" == Jim Hampton writes:
Jim He's refering to the guy who told the government he was going to
Jim smuggle banned items into an aircraft and did so and got caught.
Jim Not exactly the smartest move in the world. I think the
Jim reference is to smuggling a razor aboard an aircraft. He may get
Jim some free room and board out of this (in a federal pen).
Actually, the individual in question smuggled banned items onto
multiple aircraft, including notes describing the contents and
providing plenty of contact information for himself. He then emailed
the TSA at the end of his trip.
The items were not discovered until five weeks after his trip. Then
the TSA found the emails and passed them to the FBI which came to get
I think he knew what he was doing. I don't agree with what he did,
but he made a statement and he appears to be willing to do the time.
He had a point to make via a typical college kid civil disobedience
maneuver and boy he made it. In SPADES. Congress is already looking
for Transportation Security Administration heads to gnaw on for this
one. Welcome to America . .