Steve Silverwood wrote in message ...
I think he knew what he was doing. I don't agree with what he did,
but he made a statement and he appears to be willing to do the time.
He had a point to make via a typical college kid civil disobedience
maneuver and boy he made it. In SPADES. Congress is already looking
for Transportation Security Administration heads to gnaw on for this
one. Welcome to America . .
Kind of on a par with Matthias Rust, the German student pilot who flew
his Cessna into the Soviet Union and landed in the middle of Red Square
during the annual Border Guards something-or-other holiday. Definitely
made a statement!
Rust's stunt was a whole 'nother level up, To successfully get away
with penetrating the Soviet air defenses in that global hot spot with
a just Skyhawk then having the audacity to fly it all the way to
Moscow unchallenged *and* plop it onto Red Square has to be one of the
all-time government-shaking stunts pulled off by an individual. And he
did it to a regime which had no qualms about shooting down commercial
airliners which strayed a few miles into their airspace. The kid had
gonads the size of watermelons. He drew a ceremonial year then they
tossed him back over the wall. In the meanwhile back at the Kremkin
legions of Soviet military heads rolled. OYeah, Rust made a
They mentioned on the radio (KNX 1070 in Los Angeles) that he has also
been protesting the mandatory draft registration, but that protest
hasn't been making any real headlines. You have to wonder, then: is he
just trying to make headlines regardless of the cause, or what?
He's a student at a Quaker college which explains some of it. Quaker
ideology includes often strident far-end pacifism and they've opposed
conscription and war going back to roots of their faith in the early
1600's in England.
"As a Peace Church, the Society of Friends (Quakers) has always played
a leading part in opposing preparations for war. The Peace Testimony,
which is a very important Quaker principle, arose out of the belief in
the in-dwelling Light or ``that of God'' in people. If that of God was
a reality within oneself it would be denying the inner Spirit to take
up arms against another."
The rest . . . ? Who knows . . no doubt we'll get his explanation at
some point after he's "duly processed" by the same gloms he embarassed
the hell outta.