Element 1, Code vs. No-code, and Dad
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October 26th 03, 01:42 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
In article , "Andre Sarkissian"
(Len Over 21) wrote:
In article ,
You seem to be telling us that amateurs should not have any values,
or practices except those necessary to prevent amateurs from interfering
users of other radio services.
Absolutely. "Here are your bands, have a nice
day" would be
a very free, open, and enjoyable environment
That's CB.
Thank you for clarifying Len's answer perfectly. It's quite clear that he
amateur radio to be nothing other than a multiband version of cb.
Try not to strain yourself putting words into others' messages.
Don't get all passionate about your piquish puerile parsonage.
You were much better on the pulpit with your old Sermons On
The Antenna Mount.
I'm not at all interested in joining the Archaic Radiotelegraphy
Tens of thousands of radio people feel exactly the same way.
What did YOU do back in 1958 when U. S. Class D Citizens
Band was created?
NO test whatsoever back then, but licensed it was.
YOU've had 45 years to correct things. Doesn't appear that
YOU did anydamnthing except snap your suspenders and
look down at others from a safe distance.
Go back to Electric Radio and console yourself with state of
the art of antique radio and "designing your own gear" by
building kits.
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