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Old October 27th 03, 03:38 AM
Posts: n/a

"JJ" wrote in message
Kim W5TIT wrote:

I am in support of any person born here being a US Citizen. There are

many legal, ethical and social issues attached to having it otherwise.

How about the Mexican women about to give birth that cross the border
into the US just long enough for her child will be born here, thus
reaping the benefits of citizenship? Now this child, who's parents have
never lived in the US and have never contributed a single thing to the
US society, is now eligible for medical care, schooling, and any other
welfare out country has to offer. Your hard earned dollars, part of
which you pay in taxes, will now help to finance this child who himself
will probably never contribute to US society, only take from it.

The Texas Twit is a world class liberal. She ran around supporting the
hippies, after that was all over. In otherwords, she doesn't think things
thru very well.

FWIW...I agree with your comments JJ.