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Old October 27th 03, 05:08 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Kim W5TIT" wrote:

And, I believe the immigration laws are
appropriate, (snip)

We allow more immigrants into this country each year than any other
country on Earth, including those countries where most of our immigrants
come from. This mass influx is driving wages down and prices up. Our schools
are overcrowded. Education costs are going up. Medical costs are going up.
Home prices are going up. Land prices are going up. Food prices are going
up. Crime continues to go up. Our overall standard of living is going down.
At the same time, I don't see a single benefit for the average American. Can
you describe one benefit for me or my family, Kim?

State and Federal welfare programs need to be
abolished. (snip)

Why would you want to cut off the parachute put in place to help
Americans? If you want to fix welfare, cut off the many thousands of illegal
immigrants who are taking benefits from others. Next, get rid of the obvious
bums abusing the welfare system. This two steps alone would cut the cost of
welfare programs dramatically, yet still provide help for those Americans
why really need it.

There is no danger to US sovereignty. It may not
be a US you like; but it is no danger of losing its
sovereignty. (snip)

Kim, we've allowed millions of immigrants into this country from areas of
the world openly hostile to the United States, with no method to establish
their views of this country and its people. After 9-11, this is clearly not
safe for Americans. Can you be so sure it is not a threat to our
sovereignty? This reminds me of an old joke that is perhaps not that far
from the truth; an enemy doesn't have to invade today - they can just fill
out immigration papers for their entire army.

Blacks have almost the entire continent of Africa and Hispanics have
almost the entire continent of South America. Perhaps you can explain why
either group needs to expand to this continent, or why it is so wrong to
resist that expansion. Unless we're prepared to spend lots of tourist
dollars, they're certainly not rushing to open their doors to us.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)