Here it is-BPL full rollout in Va
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October 27th 03, 05:18 AM
Posts: n/a
On 25 Oct 2003 04:18:30 GMT,
ospam (Larry Roll K3LT)
In article . net, Duane Allen
On a serious off-topic note, does anyone know what is being done to
protec the CSA graveyards. Thanks in advance.
I do. The graveyards full of traitorous racist Confederates are being
converted to HAZMAT landfill sites and leach fields. You Rebs wanted
"states rights" so you could do such lovely things as own slaves. Well,
now our society is trashed by the millions of descendants of those
"slaves" who want their assets kissed with government support from
cradle to grave. Well, I guess it is better than your blue-blood white
trash ancestors getting their hands dirty. Of course, now we'll probably
have to sit through all the tired old QRM about how the Civil War wasn't
about slavery. Right.
73 de Larry, K3LT
Don't be too hard on the Confederates. They didn't start the Civil War
by themselves. England was still harboring hostilities about the
Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Getting the Southern States
agitated, and thus getting an ally, was a way to rip the country
apart. England had a lot of close ties with many Southern states, and
exploiting the animosity that the South held toward the abolitionist
North was their last-ditch effort to tear the young country apart.
Lincoln did what he had to do. Whether it was state's rights or
slavery, the South *wanted* a war, because England hadn't quit
fighting the war. General Daniel Sickles, a union general who lost a
leg at Gettysburg, even said that he'd support the South in their
state's rights efforts if they went about secession peacefully. Of
course, Fort Sumter changed all of that.
Just my two cents. I'm now going back into lurk mode.
Tom, N8ECW
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