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Old October 29th 03, 01:36 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Hans K0HB" wrote:

So let me make sure I understand your position......

Using your exact words, but interpolating your statement
into US terms, it would read like this: "Since the US
government (President, Vice President, Congress, the
Judiciary) is clearly under white control, then black
employees throughout the country should routinely
be replaced by whites. After all, since the US belongs
to the whites (the majority), they should obviously have
the jobs, money, and power."

Does that fairly represent your position?

No, that's not what I said. That what racist liberals said about blacks
(the majority) in South Africa. Now, let's see if I understand your
position. As I see it, your position is that whites should NOT have the
jobs, money, or power exactly because they are the majority - much of it
should be transferred to minorities instead. Is that what you're trying to
say? If not, what exactly are you trying to say, Hans? Where do whites fit
into your grand vision of the perfect America? Where do the minorities fit
into this vision of the perfect America? Are you sure the others races are
going to agree and comply with your vision? Or do you think you just can
whip them into submission by calling them racist when things don't go your

Your amateurish attempts at social engineering are damn scary to me.
You're assuming the minorities are just going to goose step to your views of
a perfect world - that none have an agenda of their own (an agenda that may
not be so rosy for whites in this country). Blindly following that belief,
and ignoring the inherent racism of the single race cultures these
immigrants often come from (they have no desire for multi-race cultures in
their home countries), you're inviting millions into this country each year.
Pardon me if this causes me concerns (concerns you call racism).

Getting back to South Africa, liberals didn't like the white MINORITY
having jobs, money, or power, in South Africa and they don't like the idea o
f the white MAJORITY having jobs, money, or power, in this country. The only
thing consistent about those contradictory views is a dislike of whites,
minority or majority.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)