ARRL has no FIRE for sale?
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October 29th 03, 07:29 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article , JJ fearful anonymous
In article , JJ
I have been a ham for over 40 years, so how long have you been one?
I don't think so. You don't identify yourself.
You could be LYING.
No identification. You could be anything...and nothing.
I was on HF legally beginning in February 1953, a 1 KW BC-339,
one of 36 total transmitters at Army station ADA...increased to 43
by 1956. I got my first radio operator license from a single test at
an FCC field office in Chicago in March, 1956 (First Class
And that has nothing to do with amateur radio. There were/are lots of
military radio operators operating military HF gear.
ALL radios work by the SAME principles of physics.
Electrons, fields, and waves don't work "differently" if some
humans establish a radio service.
I've never had, or tried to get, any amateur radio license. Mostly
because I've been a professional in radio-electronics for a half
You know what? The FCC doesn't require any commissioners or
staff to have amateur radio licenses in order to MAKE regulations
concerning amateur radio. How about that!?
And your point is?
Obvious to those who can think.
Those who REGULATE U. S. amateur radio are NOT required
to be granted any amateur radio license.
You don' tsee the point?
Pity those unable to think.
The FCC does NOT sanctify any fraternal orders/organizations.
You are acting like the U. S. ARS is a fraternal order, all
"answerable to the ARS community" and all that folderol.
ARRL is a fraternal order of sorts. ARRL does NOT regulate
U. S. amateur radio. Never did.
Since you do not hold an amateur radio operator's license nor seem to
care about ever getting one, what business is it of yours if the amateur
service has code testing or not?
What "business" is it of yours, anonymous entity?
So what is your purpose for all the
petitions on amateur testing?
You must have been away, far away from here if you don't know.
I'm advocating the elimination of ALL morse code TESTING.
Retention of code TESTING is just a constant dumbing down to
standards and practices in all communications of seven
decades ago.
Why do you wish to keep the U. S. amateur radio service
dumbed down to ancient methods of communications?
You seem to think it is strange that the
FCC does not require those making rules concerning amateur radio to hold
an amateur license, yet you, without holding an amateur radio license,
can file petitons concerning amateur radio.
ANYONE can file a petition with the FCC if they show good
cause for a petition's existance. Whether or not such a petition
is made an "RM" and put on the public record for comment is
up to the FCC, not you, anonymous one. [FCC will not accept
I have NOT filed any petition. I HAVE made Comments. That is
within my rights under the United States Constitution. Ever hear
of that document? It's a pretty good document. Read it some time.
How about that?
How about what? Are you an advocate of abrogating the First
Amendment of the United States Constitution, anonymous one?
Since you
seem to have such a hard on about the amateur radio service, of which
you are not even a member, why do you even bother?
Radio has NO sexual appeal to me. Apparently it does to you.
Have you seen a mental health professional about your strange
Why does it bother
you about what the ARRL is doing, or if the hams are or aren't handling
emergency comms in Calif.
ARRL is a membership organization based in the U.S. northeast.
It has a MINORITY membership among all the licensed U.S. radio
amateurs. ARRL is also a political special-interest group with a
lobbyist firm and a DC legal firm on retainer.
I accuse ARRL of favoring regional northeastern interests and being
hypocritical over their ACTUAL "representation" of amateur radio.
Why do you wish control over who can say what in the USA?
Are you in favor of dictatorship? You must be from the way you
talk-type in here.
Perhaps you are just one of those types who
sticks your nose into things that don't concern you just to stir the
pot, or perhaps you can't pass the test for a license.
Perhaps you need an attitude adjustment. A SERIOUS adjustment.
I'm NOT interested in joining any Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society.
All you've done so far is to target an individual with an ateempt at
personal attack. The subject is the geographic provinchialism of
the ARRL which is a political special-interest group.
You continue to hide behind a pseudonym. Why are you afraid?
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