Thread: Why We Freeband
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Old November 3rd 03, 03:35 AM
joseph mcdavid
Posts: n/a

jim wrote:

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

Organized, long term freebanders are very aware where they
operate and take great measure to ensure against talking on an amateur f
requency or one that isn't heavily used on the freeband.
If the non-U.S. stations can operate ssb there, why shouldn't I,
especially if I want to have a nice DX contact with one of them?

I've been a so-called "freebander" since the late sixties but rarely for DX.
The primary reason I talked outside of allotted frequencies was for privacy
or to contact a specific distant station I wouldn't normally hear on the
allotted band. We used to run Ch. 16 -5khz down and 15A a RC Channel running
slightly above stock power on 3-4 element directional and easily talk 75-100
miles. I spoke all over the world with better than 1000 confirmed QSL
contacts from a slightly peaked Golden Eagle Mark III/IV running through a 4
beam element at 60 feet from Central NJ.

actually a good point. if i were to use the freq's the u.s. gov said i can
then what is the problem with slipping +/- 5kc's between 'channels'? is
that freebanding?
better yet, who the hell is the u.s. gov to tell me what is legal or
not? if i were to float out to bermuda and xmit would i be freebanding
there? do our friends to the north and south really care what the fcc
says what americans can/cannot do? not likely....

just make it worse for every body next thing you know
they'll require a digatal id on all transmitters or they'll be
terrorist and arrested without due process.