Thread: Why We Freeband
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Old November 4th 03, 04:00 AM
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Frank Gilliland wrote:
In , jim wrote:

Frank Gilliland wrote:

In , jim wrote:


better yet, who the hell is the u.s. gov to tell me what is legal or

If you are a US citizen, they are granted that right by the constitution,
and by treaty.

please point out the constitutional section you mentioned.

Article VI.

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read the section you mentioned at the cornell website. it pertains to
the u.s. and its environs but no mention of people outside territorial
the world is a bigger place then what the u.s. dictates....

I shouldn't have to quote this twice:

If you are a US citizen......

And again with emphasis added:

=IF= you are a =US=CITIZEN=......

If you are still confused, call Twistedhed's imaginary shrink.

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why are you so hung up on twisty?