Thread: Why We Freeband
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Old November 6th 03, 12:48 AM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message
. ..

jim wrote in message

Brenda Ann wrote:
"jim" wrote in message

actually a good point. if i were to use the freq's the u.s. gov said i

then what is the problem with slipping +/- 5kc's between 'channels'?

that freebanding?

The frequencies that the US govt. says you can are those specific
frequencies that constitute the 40 standard CB channels. The distance

from the center of any channel is tightly regulated, and you can't be

than 0.005% away from that center (~1.3 KHz), which is actually pretty

when compared to say, broadcast AM, which is only allowed a 20 Hz


that is what the u.s. gov proclaims. my point is they have no say so
outside territorial waters. whether or not the gov abides by itu
standards on this matter is open.

The fact is the US Govt HAS signed on with ITU and honors *most* treaties.

better yet, who the hell is the u.s. gov to tell me what is legal or

If you are a US citizen, they are granted that right by the

and by treaty.

please point out the constitutional section you mentioned.

Title 47, US Code and The Communications Act of 1934 voted upon by

There is a major difference between Federal laws and the Constitution. The
references that you cite are NOT sections of the Constitution. Please
retake your civics and political science classes.