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Old February 1st 04, 11:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Richard wrote:
Am hoping that a "flipped turnstile" properly wired would perform with
mixed, vertical or horizontal waves coming from the sides. And hoping
better than a turnstile.


When I think about a flipped turnstile (though not necessarly wired up as
per a regular horizontal turnstile: Maybe, me thinks there is a better way
to wire up, given I'm seeking an antenna that is optimal for reception of V,
H Mixed waves) I think:

Vertical dipole part is going to act as a vertical dipole so flipped
turnstile is omnidirectional for V waves. So, you are going to get the same
signal from the flipped turnstile as you would a regular V dipole?

Horizontal dipole is going to act like a horizontal dipole so there will be
figure of eight pattern for H waves. So, you are going to get the same
signal from the flipped turnstile as you would a regular H dipole?

Downside is the figure of eight pattern with H polarization. Need a
turnstile with vertical dipole elements to avoid this.

What happens when the TX is radiating a mixed polarized signal. If wired
correctly, V dipole adds it's signal voltage to H dipole?

But you might as well have two seperate dipoles- right!! :c)

Selling point of regular turnstile is the omidirectional pattern. You loose
that with a "flipped turnstle"

Might as well have a turnstile and a vertical dipole if you wanted
omnidirectional reception capability catering for V or H polarized waves.

Conclusion: No point in flipping over a turnstile! So it seems. Much better
to erect V and H polarized dipoles, or V dipole and turnstile.