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Old November 12th 03, 06:52 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

"KØHB" wrote in message
"Bert Craig" wrote

I hate to ask the proverbial "loaded question," but do you think "our
society has changed" for the better or worse wrt the aforementioned


I'll chime in here, and suggest that it is very much for the better. Many
employees in my group are female in traditionally male job titles
(engineers, managers, etc.). Their performance, professionalism, and
contributions to our success are completely comparable to their male

On a more personal note, one of my daughters no longer has a husband and is
raising 4 fine kids comfortably because she pursued a technical education
and career. In the "good old days" she would not have been able to do so,
and her financial picture would have been much more bleak.

Agreed. I had to put real work into making sure all three of my
daughters had technical degrees of various flavors for exactly the
reason you cite and I'm resting much easier now than I would be if I
hadn't leaned on 'em about getting degrees. Leaned hard in one case
but I prevailed. It's been statistically obvious for years that
"significant others" amongst those in their reproductive years have a
propensity for coming and going seemingly at will vs. "the good old
days". Two of my daughters dragged the wrong pieces of male sludge
home and when push came to shove it got down to "I don't need you, hit
the road, I'm taking my name back" and they went back into their

73, de Hans, K0HB
