In article , "Ryan, KC8PMX"
Geee..... didn't Carlin cover this??? (i.e. George Carlin?)
His "seven words" bit is where the list originated. No such list existed in the
FCC rules.
Anyone know of thoughts are on what will happen in amateur
radio now.
Nothing, I hope.
The broadcast arena has always been the barometer of what people are
allowed to say on the air, hasn't it?
Nope. FCC has completely different rules for different services. The
fact that somebody gets away with something in the broadcast services
doesn't mean it's OK in the ARS.
Generally the terminology states soemething to the effect of "good amateur
practice." My ONLY PROBLEM with that is WHO gets to decide what the
benchmark is for good amateur practice...... If the FCC, who issues our
licenses are not going to do it, then who?
Here's one guide:
As for specific words??? Dunno, is there a list??
Who makes the list
then? Are other things other than the known "7 dirty words" included? If
someone is of say, for instance a different faith than you, do you get to
determine anything they say religiously is offensive and should be banned
speech? I am sure there are other examples one could come up with......
Common sense and good taste used to be the guide. But I guess such concepts are
old-fashioned nowadays, from what some folks tell me when I oppose the use of
such language on the air and in newsgropups.....
73 de Jim, N2EY