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Old November 16th 03, 05:04 PM
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Larry, our society has pretty much come to the point that people don't
care what others think of them any more. Foul, vulgar language is used
so much now that it is spoken in homes as if it were accepted language
and the kids pick up on it. I have heard five year olds use words that I
would never dared to speak in front of an adult when I was a youngster.
I have had my mouth washed out with soap (by a teacher at school no
less, would like to see one try that now), for saying much less.

I grew up in a farming community and when around the men, sure a few
cuss words would fly occasionally, especially when the wrench slipped
and a busted knuckle was the result, or over at the local shop where the
farmers gathered as their trucks and tractors were being serviced, a
hell or damn was pretty common, but never in a public place where women
and children were around. There was respect for others then. It isn't
uncommon for me to step into an elevator with my wife and hear others
using very vulgar language with no regards to who is listening and may
be offended by such language. The sad part is, they think it is just
accepted that everyone has lowered themselves to such a common level.

Ever set at the mall and just watch the people pass by? Look at the
sloppy dress, some look like they stepped out of a cartoon. Few have
pride in themselves anymore. And if you really want to see some
sloppyness, go to a ham fest. It is a sad commentary on our society today.

Zactly ...Our society has become the "bum society". It is now the vogue to
have baby showers in the school for the 15 yr old girl instead of her
whispered trip to her aunt Mary's in Ohio that resulted in Aunt Mary raising
a child the proper way. We proclaim liberty and freedom in the old USA
but fail miserably to protect the unborn to the tune of millions a year.
Then the people wonder where the respect for human life has gone. Our TV
has become a cess pool instead of a resource. Did you ever see the "new"
cartoons? Vulgarity begins to be accepted as norm at a young age let alone
the Springer type shows out there. Common manners are gone. Who would have
ever eaten at home or a restaurant with a baseball cap on? Language ....
the liberal use of Sponge Bob's "sentence enhancers" is every where and
accepted as norm. It is of no surprise that ham radio manifests the same in
on air activities and "cute" calls. I however can escape to a venue where
I do not find this happening it what you may ...I call it CW.

OOPs got me again ...Pontification filter is on

God Bless 73 KI3R Tom Popovic Belle Vernon Pa