The George Carlin thing was meant more of a jab at humor rather than fact...
"Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you
still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs."
"Robert Casey" wrote in message
Ryan, KC8PMX wrote:
Geee..... didn't Carlin cover this??? (i.e. George Carlin?)
As for specific words??? Dunno, is there a list??
Who makes the list
then? Are other things other than the known "7 dirty words" included? If
someone is of say, for instance a different faith than you, do you get to
determine anything they say religiously is offensive and should be banned
speech? I am sure there are other examples one could come up with......
Heard (possible urban legend) that the FCC in "case law" refers to
George Carlin's list
but doesn't actually list the words. George Carlin's recorded comedy
bit is a "published
work", like that of a book, and thus can be referred to in another
document. I'm no
lawyer, so the above could be BS.....