Well Phil.... there are just some things I just don't need to hear about! I
am sure you can cite some examples exclusive to you as well.

I have
even heard one old dude describing the quality and consistency of the
material moved within the bowel movements he was having...... some things
are just too gross.
"Why is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but
it takes a whole box to start a barbecue?"
"Phil Kane" wrote in message
On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 05:36:11 -0500, Ryan, KC8PMX wrote:
Alrighty then.... I am sick and tired and feel it is patently offensive
hear about old fart's bowel conditions, regardless if they cuss when
discussing those..... let's make that banned speech! After all it's good
amateur practice!
It's indecency only when it raises purient interest. Does
someone's bowel surgery raise purient interest in you ?? ggg
73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane