Thread: 14 Petitions
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Old November 20th 03, 09:03 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
Default 14 Petitions

At the close of the ECFS on 19 November 2003, the number of
documents on public view a

RM-10805: 231
RM-10806: 217
RM-10807: 176
RM-10808: 193
RM-10809: 181
RM-10810: 180
RM-10811: 991 Total: 2,169 (10811 has 45.7% of total)

RM-10781: 321
RM-10782: 271
RM-10783: 276
RM-10784: 254
RM-10785: 256
RM-10786: 424
RM-10787: 674 Total 2,476 (10787 has 27.2% of total)

Grand total: 4,645 documents for all 14 petitions.

RM-10811 records include two sets of 6 postcards each, the reverse
side pre-printed with "FISTS" and fill-in blanks for a short comment,
name and address. Those are the USPS type of postcards.

Comment period for 10805 through 10811 is officially closed, but some
may be late-filed. It should be noted that FCC 98-143 comment
documents are still on public record and the last comment filed was in
September, 2003; official close of 98-143 comment period was 15
January, 1999. That last filer is Peter Alterman, PhD, W2CDO.
[Way to go, higher education! :-) ]

FCC 03-104, the Docket on Broadband over Power Lines has 5,105
documents on record as of close of ECFS on 19 November 2003.