Dwight Stewart wrote:
"Robert Casey" wrote:
Well, aside from the web address having
"cb" embedded in it, they don't specify
that these things are not intended for ham
radio service.... ;-) (snip)
It doesn't matter whether these things are intended for the ham radio
service or not. If they're at all capable of operating on the frequencies in
and/or around the CB band, they're illegal to sell under existing FCC rules.
Likewise, when it comes to the frequencies near the CB band (including the
ham frequencies - the 10m band, for example), there are now even
restrictions on how many amplifiers a licensed ham can sell, even to other
licensed hams. The rules have changed over the last few years. It would be
wise to keep up with those changes.
In theory, the way the web site is written, these amps might work on say
80 meters.
And not be usable between 24 and 35MHz. Maybe have an easily removable trap
centered around 27MHz to make it legal to sell. Sure. The web site
doesn't say what
frequencies these amps will work on. But I think everyone can guess
what these
amps will really do.