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  #114   Report Post  
Old November 26th 03, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a

"Bert Craig" wrote


Please give me an idea of what freqs you'll frequent. Having just moved

our new QTH, I have nothing substantial really set up yet, however, I'd

to toss a wire up in one of the trees and let the autotuner in the K1

the rest. (Don't know if 5 Watts'll do it, but am more than game to try.)

Look for W0SOC Friday evening and all day Sunday on whatever bands are open
to DX.

Look for W0AIH all weekend on every band 160-10 (less WARC AND 60M).

But since this is a DX event, WA2SI is a zero-point QSO.

73, Hans, K0HB