The 14 Petitions
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November 27th 03, 12:18 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , Alun
If you look me up you'll see I'm an Extra, and you'll be able to figure
out that I passed 20 wpm. What you won't see, is that I've been a ham
since 1980, not 1992, as I'm not originally from this country.
Alun, with all due respect, such experience ist VERBOTEN in this
chat room.
Way to go, Lennie...Ate up 90 lines of bandwidth to make a one
sentence reponse to which the quoted material offered nothing.
The requirement to exist in this chat room requires a struct obediance
to morsemanship, tradition forever rooted in old ways back before all
the morseodist regulars ever existed.
And again you demonstrate your persistent ignorance.
This is NOT a chat room. YOU'RE supposed to be Mr Technology...I
thought you'd at least try to be a LITTLE right once in a while.
However, ham radio is not a job or a vocation, just a hobby.
More ignorance, exacerbated by lack of practical experience.
In this chat room, the REGULARS maintain a LIFESTYLE of devotion,
obediance to love honor and obey amateur radio in all its past glory.
And CURRENT "glory", Lennie.
One that you are not part of parcel of.
LIFESTYLES take precedence over logic, common sense, and
anything else not associated with amateur radio (except Michael
Jackson, foreign policy, overall economic decisions by government
and partisan politics).
If YOU were to actually exercise ANY "logic" or "common sense",
you'd not keep making a fool of yourself in a public forum.
However pathological liars and antagonists are hardly ever
accused of being "logical" or possessing any "common sense".
Surely YOU haven't.
Ham radio to the regulars is far more than a vocation. Vocations
in radio are to be pejorated, denigrated, spat upon, reviled, made fun
of and other niceties of the TURF where chat room homies consider
their 'hood.
Lennie trying to "rap with the jive", but it all comes out white
trash stupid.
There are NO First Amendment "rights" for chat room homies.
Their only constitution is that of the ARRL. E pluribus Sumner..
More ignorance.
The First Amendment prevents the GOVERNMENT from suppressing
"free speech".
To the best of my knowledge, no agency of the federal government
has suppressed ANYTHING of yours, has it Lennie...?!?!
I welcome the
unmotivated as much as I would welcome anyone else. Why shouldn't they
have fun too? If someone wants HF and doesn't want to learn code, why
should they bother to study for a VHF and above licence, when they could
be scuba diving or building model railroads or what have you? (Not hobbies
of mine, personally, but whatever turns you on). I know this is sacrilege
to true beleivers, but so what?
So, Alun, such heretical statements against the True Beliefs of the
morseodist chat room homies are, and will be, reviled, castigated,
denigrated, and shown the door with an angry last phrase of "don't
let it hit your ass on the way out!"
More profanity, Lennie...?!?! The only way you can make your
"point" anymore?
And as for Alun's comments, the "unmotivated" are not going to
get an Amateur Radio license, code test or not.
Take yourself for example...
THIS venue is the chat room homies' TURF, Alun. Territorial imperative.
What chat room?
None can venture into this place unless they are of Groupthink,
secure in their Beliefs of the Group.
Having a vested interest and some practical experience prior to
making the silly suggestions you offer might help, Lennie...But you
ARE in teh Serious Screwball Mode.
The notion that only hams should decide the future of ham radio is just
that, a notion.
NOT here. This is morseodist TURF, their neighborhood. NONE may
challenge morseodist groupthink. NONE.
The only people who SHOULD have a "notion" to change ANYTHING in
our society should fall to those who would be impacted by it, whetehr
we are talking Amateur Radio, Medicare, or putting speed bumps in a
I can absolutely guarantee that it is not a point of view
shared by the FCC, and it makes little sense to me either.
All know that ham radio is governed by the BoD at Newington.
Oh? I would ask you to again produce some verifyable validation
of this assertion, but since it was just an antagonistic swipe at
something you so revile anyway, why waste the time?
The pile of questions you have refused to answer in response to
YOUR assertions is already neck-high.
So it shall always be.
dit dit
Another LennieRant...and just before Thanksgiving...How
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