Where Did THIS Come From...?!?!
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November 27th 03, 03:20 PM
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(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message om...
Message 85 in thread
From: Brian )
Subject: ARRL you can Kiss my $39.00 a Year Good Bye
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Date: 2003-09-19 11:30:16 PST
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
(Brian) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message
Perhaps because the other poster didn't make a lot of assinine
assertions that are not substantiated by facts, Brain.
The ARS has improved since 1984. That's plain for everyone to see.
Then where does all this "Ham Radio Is Going To Hell" traffic
come from, Brain? Mostly from trolls, you and Lennie.
You may refer to "fact" in Websters to find out what they are,
Brain...You DO seem to have a problem with the concept.
Not at all. As Ronald Reagan said, "Facts are stupid things."
I'd expect notning less from you, Brain...You're nothing if not
Steve, K4YZ
Steve, not my fault that Ron said it, and I liked Ron. But his quote
applied in your declaration that amateur radio has not improved since
That is not fact.
Sorry I missed this before!
Brain, how in the WORLD did YOU come up with the assertion that
I said that Amateur Radio has not improved since 1984...?!?!
You really ARE the idiot I imagined!
Just one more mangled episode of cranial flatulence on your part,
Brain. I'm just sorry I missed it the first time, however it's also
one more example of why I take great fun in sarcastically calling you
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving...And by the way, when Mrs
Brain says something like "It's time to carve the turkey", don't sweat
it...she's talking about the bird on the table...not the one sitting
next to her...
Steve, K4YZ
Hey Steve, you are quoting ME saying that:
"The ARS has improved since 1984. That's plain for everyone to see."
And that's plain for everyone to see.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. I hope you are with your loved ones today
and give thanks for what you have, and for the system of government
that enables you to have it.
God bless GW Bush, Ron Reagan, and the troops deployed to hotspots the
around the world. The world is a better place because of them and we
cannot lose the faith.
I hope John Hinkley is eating institutionalized turkey cubes, canned
gravy, and instant mashed potatos on this thanksgiving day (such as
the meal I had in 1979), and that his parents have to come back
tomorrow during normal visiting hours to see him.
73, Brian/N0iMD
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