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Old November 28th 03, 06:37 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , Mike Coslo

Or absurd! I like to apply this logic to as much as possible in life.
And many ideas do not fare well!

You WANT absurdity?

We HAVE "absurdity", Lennie...

Just look up ANYTHING posted by "Lenover21", "Lenof21", "NoCWTest"
(the old one), "Avery Fineman", etc etc etc.

DOS tip: The FCC determines what it requires in licensing of radio
operators, NOT the "amateur community" or the "communities" of
any other radio service that require radio operators.

The FCC determines what is required for licensing AFTER it asks
the public what it thinks. The FCC is not allowed, by law, to
arbitrarily make those determinations.

You can always petiiton the FCC for a complete change in scope and
description of U.S. amateur radio. I'd suggest you change the name to
"Archaic Radiotelegraphy Service" for below-30-MHz. Make morse the
prime definition of HF amateur radio.


You continue to make this assinine assertion, Your Scumbagginess,
howevr posts from even the most staunch of CW supportes indicates that
none of them are SOLELY CW operators. Even Larry Roll, who probably
IS the most staunch supporter, has discussed other digital mods at

Your suggestion is therefore an antagonistic swipe at Amateur
Radio and yet another attempt to villify something you cannot or will
not understand.

Considering your alleged and proclaimed "professional" history in
"radio", this is illogical.

Don't try to rationalize a weak argument of yours as "more noble, logical,
in the best interests of the service," etc., etc. by feigning outrage at
"improper acts of others."

Lennie, you should be the LAST person in this forum to insist
someone else "stop rationalizing" ahve yet to make one
valid argument as to why Morse Code testing should be deleted other
than "no one else does it"...

Don't worry, 981 commenters on RM-10811 (largest number of respondents
of the 14 petitions) have been busy stating things in public.

And those 981 commenters have probably had more of an impact on
Amateur Radio than ALL of your ranting in here, Lennie.

We have to get those that believe that Morse code testing should go
away to realize and admit that something must fill the vacuum created by
its elimination.


You are just about to fall over the edge of the "I had to do it so everyone
else has to do it in the future" non-argument.

Again, YOU keep insisting on this "argument", Lennie, yet I've
not seen a single person utter that sentiment.

Why do YOU keep insisting on it when it's a non-argument?

That something could be *nothing*, which results in a
dramatic reduction in skill level.

"Dramatic?!?!?" Only if you are a morseman is such a thing "dramatic."

The second-most used method of international communications IS
dramatic, Lennie. It is the only other real-time mode Amateurs can
use that allow persons of disimilar (sp?) languages to communicate,
even on a very basic level.


Laugh at yourself, Lennie...We're certainly laughing at you.

They also need to realize that there
are people out there who want even less in the way of admission
requirements. "Nobody wants licenses just given away" or the like is a
naive statement.

Translation: You had to do something but if others in the future
don't do as you did, they are getting something "free?"

Yet another statement against adequate testing requirements,
technical, operational, or otherwise.

Why? Because I could hand my wife the checkbook, turn her loose in AES
or similar store, and after purchasing whatever the clerk reccomends,
within a week or two she could be on the air. There really is no
impediment too a person whose extent of rf knowledgfe is that you
recieve by twisting the knob, and to transmit, you push the push to talk
button. There is no technical requirement any more, at least to simply
"get on the air". We have to generate our own requirements.

Okay, begin with some fundamentals:

1. A radio boot camp where all "novices" have to learn to take
orders from their "superior" license class holders, march in
ranks to beep music determined by long-ago-dead-amateurs,
know vacuum tube lore by heart, learn how to memorize all
the radio ads in QST and desire each item. we are with the "march in ranks" crap again.

I bet Mrs. Lennie has one of those Nazi sex-slave outfits like
Madelin Kahn wore in "High Anxiety", huh Lennie...???

2. Swear an oath of allegiance to amateur radio and the
constitution of the ARRL, salute each vertical diamond logo
as it passes in front of your eyes. Loyalty, fraternity, etc.

You do have a thing for "swearing" about or over things, don't

3. Wear cute little radio uniforms when operating, have shiny
radio shields in a special holder giving you "authority"
anyplace. Uniforms are a good place to show RANK and
TIME IN GRADE while "in the (radio) service."

Digging yourself into the "scumbag" hole, Lennie.

4. Demand immediate obeyance by all "civilians" not in your
"service" as superior in the radio arts. Reject all those
who do not think as you do. Remember that the First
Amendment of the United States Constitution does NOT
apply to citizens on amateur radio matters...unless said
citizen is licensed in amateur radio.

The First Amendment applies to the Government enacting laws
against free speech in the press...NOT citizens.

So much for all that night school you are alleged to have taken.

5. Petition the FCC for an immediate change of the HF amateur
radio service to "Archaic Radiotelegraphy Service," or perhaps
"Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society." That way you can keep
the beloved code test and force all in the future to do exactly
as you had to do.

Discussed above, and still as irrelevent as then too...

6. Always remember that YOUR efforts in getting that amateur
license were so awesome, overpowering, enobling that the
individual efforts of mere "civilians" not into amateur radio
are forever poor and puny by comparison.

As compared to what tests YOU have taken in the Amateur Radio
Service, Lennie...?!?!

7. Amateurs RULE. Professionals must obey the amateurs. you pointed out, the FCC RULES...And EVERYONE must
obey. Too bad you haven't gotten this figured out yet Lennie.


(L)ying (H)am-baiting (A)ntagonist

I like "PUTZ"'s so "you"...

Steve, K4YZ