"Dwight Stewart" wrote
And I think Hans is barking up the wrong tree with his idea.
I don't bark, and I'm not a dog.
I don't see any benefit whatsoever.
That bothers me not at all. It's the Commission I need to persuade.
Hans also seems to be basing his idea on the faulty premise that one must
advance in license class to learn.....
I don't support that premise at all. Where did you read such off-target
drivel? For more than 40 years I've been an outspoken critic of
(dis)incentive licensing. My plan calls for a very simplified license
structure of a broad-privileged learners permit to gain qualification, and a
single license class after becoming qualified.
Finally, I think Hans' idea would have a chilling effect on the Amateur
Radio Service - assigning newcomers (once again) to an outside the
On the contrary, my plan puts newcomers dead center in the mainstream of
amateur radio, with all the same privileges of EVERY other licensee, just at
a more modest power level of 50watts. No more limited-mode isolated and
restricted ghettos like the former Novice class, and greatly expanded
privileges beyond those enjoyed by todays entry-level Technicians.
It's clear to me that you haven't even taken the time to read the proposal
I've made to the FCC. You can view a copy at my website
http://www.home.earthlink.net/~k0hb .... click on the left hand column
link to 'FCC Comments'. When you've taken the trouble to actually read what
I've proposed, come back here with reasoned arguments against it. Until
then you are not prepared and ill-qualified to comment.
73, de Hans, K0HB