"N2EY" wrote in message
In article .net,
Stewart" writes:
"N2EY" wrote:
Then SSB, AM, FM, RTTY, PSK-31, etc.
are all non-necessities. (snip)
Absolutely. Which is exactly why there is no test of the actual ability
use those modes - only a written test covering the fundamentals of those
modes and the rules associated with them.
Why is such a written test necessary?
The use of any of those modes is entirely optional.
Which is also the reason why failing to correctly answer any one or two
questions about any individual mode does not result in failing the test.
Morse code should join those modes in that regard.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.
Certainly seems incnsitent to me....on a mode for mode
comparison basis.
In fact, except for the most basic of rules
and regulations, your argument leads to the
inescapable conclusion that it is not necessary
for the goals and purposes of the Amateur
Radio Service at this point to mandate *any*
learning through a testing requirement.
Can you prove otherwise?
What is there to prove?
Prove the necessity for a written test beyond the most basic rules and
Noneed to. The FCC rules require it and I'm content with that.
If you (Jim N2EY) feel otherwise, then petition the FCC for the
change. Unless you or someone else does othat, this is just academic
futility. The code TEST however, has already been acknowledged by
the FCC as not being needed anymore...so the burden of proof to retain
a code test falls on those that wish to keep 5 wpm.
SNIP of additional comparisons of license requirements vs
license privileges
I have also noted that perhaps it is time for some "revamping"
of licensing such that the privileges bear some relationship
to the level of license granted. It will, if that path is
taken, be a protracted process (IMHO).
Bill K2UNK