"Ronald Walters" wrote in message
. com...
Background: Within the past several months my QTH which was virtually a
very low noise environment now is one of the nosiest QTH's I have ever
in. Birdies every 17 kc across 160-80 and 40. Some nights its worse with
birdies every 5-7-kc. These are not low signal strengths either but up to
S-9+ on 80 meters.
have check with all of my neighbors since initially it would start right
5 PM and last all night until 7:30 in the morning. My first thought was
auto light fixture. Well it's gotten bad and doesn't seem to be on a
regular time schedule. Feelings are TV or touch lamp. Possible PC but
don't know. Power company is Florida Progress which is a Duke Energy
company. Have heard that Duke is playing with their new Internet access
over power lines but I do not think it has hit the central Florida market.
Question - I am thinking about trying the MFJ-1265 Noise phasing unit.
read an old review on ARRL and other comments on some bulletin boards but
wondering if anyone out there has experience with the unit and what their
honest impression is. In addition to that unit I plan on a complete
of the antenna and grounding system her just to make sure I do not have a
poor joint in the system that is providing some rectification and being
induced. Any comments will be appreciated.
Again thanks to the list for accepting this inquiry, I respect the
of the this group.
Ron - W4LDE
I have been experiencing almost the same problems. I run a TS850 and
loop/SGC239 combo on this end. I went through all the troubleshooting routes
to find the source of my noise. All my radio gear is on a 12V battery
system with charger so I know it is not coming through the AC lines. If I
remove the antenna the noise disappears. It ended up being a combination of
two sources, the highspeed cable modem hooked up to the computer upstairs in
the living room, and the switching supply in my living room TV. Unplugging
both devices completely eliminates all noise on the rig. I even went as far
as to line both the modem case and inside of the TV with aluminum tape.
Helped a little bit but the noise was still S9+ on 160 and 80. Even put an
AC line filter on the TV just in case. In desperation I tried the MFJ 1026
noise canceller. With a pickup antenna running on the basement ceiling
under the TV, I am able to null the noise from S9 to about S2 or S3. I am
hearing PSK signals on 20m I couldn't hear before. Not the ideal solution,
but it does allow me to enjoy HF again. I would try and borrow one first to
see if it will work in your situation.
Good luck,