"Dwight Stewart" wrote
you feel all should
be forced to improve on that
Nope, not at all. Under my proposal you'd be free to keep renewing
your Technician (what a misnomer!) license until you assume room
The test proposal for new applicants makes the least sense of all.
More modest power levels? That 50 watts you propose is 1,450 watts less
than what Technicians can use today. That's a pretty significant hit, not a
modest one.
Technicians could continue to renew their current license until they
assume room temperature.
As for privileges, once the code test is gone, Technicians can
gain considerable HF privileges by taking the General written.
My proposal would allow them a transition period to do just that.
Then they could continue to renew their no-code General test until
they assumed room temperature.
73, de Hans, K0HB