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Old November 30th 03, 01:00 PM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"N2EY" wrote:
"Dwight Stewart" writes:

Considering the power levels, the number
of frequencies and bands, the overall
safety considerations, (snip)

You're avoiding my question, Dwight.

No, you just don't like the answer given. If anything, I'm ignoring a
fanciful, long-winded, exchange that cannot add anything of real substance
to the discussion about Morse code testing (see below).

Since you keep asking this, do you
have a point to make, Jim?


The point is that some folks apply a double
standard when deciding which tests to keep
and which to get rid of.

The only double standard that exists is not having the same testing for
all operating modes. Unless there is a justification to do otherwise, either
have skill testing for all modes or no skill testing for any mode. There is
no longer any justification today for a unique test solely for Morse code.
That opinion is consistent with recent FCC published statements. As such,
the unique Morse code test should be eliminated.

Not willing to accept that, you ignore the obvious double standard and
instead try conjure up an imaginary double standard relating to the written
tests. No such double standard exists. Those written tests, and their
contents, serve a valid purpose today. None here, including you, have said
otherwise. The same cannot be said about the Morse code test.

With all that in mind, I have no desire to engage in a fanciful discussion
about the contents of the written tests, especially when that discussion
cannot possibly lead to a valid point - no conflict or double standard
exists concerning the written tests. As such, I've ignored the rest of your
message and have instead addressed the specific point you've acknowledged
trying to make.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)