In article .net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:
"Len Over 21" wrote:
(snip) The TEST and the USE cannot be
separated, Dwight. It is "necessary" to keep
the test forever and ever so that there will be
this "pool of trained operators (in CW)" to
help earth survive on the next invasion of
spacefaring aliens.
LOL. Those darn aliens have had their eyes on Earth for some time now.
Luckily, CW keeps us well prepared for any stunt they might try. I've even
heard of a secret Air Force project to study the effects of CW on captured
aliens. ;-)
...probably at "Area 51." :-)
I just hope everyone in "the pool" can stand all the chlorine necessary
to keep it sanitary... :-)
For anyone wanting serious thinking (a novel concept in here), there's
always Brooks AFB in San Antonio, the USAF School of Aerospace
Medicine. So far, the folks at Brooks haven't touched on aliens, not
even the green-card types.