"Kim W5TIT" wrote in message
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
KØHB wrote:
On the contrary, my plan puts newcomers dead center in the mainstream
amateur radio, with all the same privileges of EVERY other licensee,
just at
a more modest power level of 50watts.
How are you going to enforce that?
- Mike KB3EIA -
Well, no matter what Hans believes on this, power level enforcement or
monitoring just can't be done--unless there'd be a whole lot more dollars
and effort going to it and we all know that's not going to happen.
While enforcement might prove difficult, the implementation
of a power limit would, I believe, not be violated by the
majority of hams. Those of us that were Novices at one time
lived with a 75 watt limit. Did some novices violate
that? Probably, but by and large, most stayed within the
legal limit.
Bill K2UNK