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Old December 2nd 03, 01:40 PM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"N2EY" wrote:
"KØHB" writes:
Since no single religion in the world enjoys
a "vast majority" of the population as
"supposed believers", then it follows that
the "vast majority" of the worlds population
on average believes that Judaism, Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism, Shintoism, Scientism,
Buddhism, etc. are each individually a "load
of crap" also, and not really legitimate.

Thank you, Hans, for explaining it so clearly
and concisely.

Hans didn't explain it at all. Instead, he side-stepped the issue of
personal opinion with nonsense about the world's population. I don't have
the power to judge the ligitimacy of a religion as far as the world's
population is concerned, nor have I ever claimed to be trying to do so.
Instead, I've offered my personal opinion based on my research into this
subject. Hans has said nothing whatsoever to change that.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)