"KØHB" wrote:
Translation: "After over 6 years as a Technician,
I've almost got the General Class test memorized.
Don't set me back by making me memorize a
whole different set of questions."
Very funny, Hans. However, as previously stated, I have no interest in
getting the General at this time. In fact, I'm not even that active with my
current license. I've looked over the license tests several times over the
last few years, the most recent to was when the tests were redone to see if
any significant changes were made.
Only one situation might immediately cause me to consider a new license
class - if there was a possibility for us to go overseas again for a length
of time where getting another license would be difficult. In that case, I
would get a General, and perhaps even the Extra, in case I might want that
capability while overseas.
Other than that, my interest in the other license classes will probably
not go beyond casual curiosity anytime soon.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)