"KØHB" wrote:
That may well be as *you* see it, but
according to their rules going back at
least 50 years, FCC goals aren't about
"a mild introduction" to electronics.
From 1950's Part 12, paragraph 12.0
(d) "Expansion of the existing reservoir
within the amateur radio service of ......
the contemporary Part 97, paragraph
97.1(d) "Expansion of the existing
reservoir within the amateur radio
service of ...... ELECTRONICS
Nice editing to fit an agenda, Hans. However, the actual wording of
97.1(d) talks about expanding the existing reservoir of "trained operators,
technicians, and electronics experts," not just "electronics experts." The
FCC never intended for this radio service to be made up of electronics
experts, or for all operators to become electronics experts. Thanks to the
introduction to electronics Amateur Radio offers, some will become
interested enough to seek outside education in some field of electronics -
the real experts. Most will never be interested enough to go that far
(home-brewing or lesser electronics jobs). And perhaps the vast majority
will happily go through life as trained operators. Whatever the case, the
goals of 97.1(d) are fulfilled.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)