"Mike Coslo" wrote:
Wow, you slippery sloped that one pretty
well, Dwight! I'm not looking for the
equivalent of an engineering degree, and
would never suggest such a thing. I don't
think that the addition of some relevant
questions to the writtens (snip)
If you've been following the discussion in this thread, and in general
over the last couple of years, it wasn't slippery sloped that much. It was
only a very slight exaggeration of what some (I'm not saying you) seem to
This brings up something that I have wondered
about for a while. What is the basis for so many
people avoiding education with a passion? It
isn't like even the Extra test is all that difficult.
Takes some study and time, but it isn't like the
SAT's or the like.
I can't speak for others, Mike. But, in our case, it's not avoiding
education per se. Education is a routine in this household. We're both
college graduates. Correspondence courses, college courses, and technical
seminars, are endless. We're both looking towards retirement and want to
change directions in our lives. To do that, we've both recently went back to
school. I just completed an associate degree in electronics (thought I'd
play around with it a little more seriously) and my wife just completed a BA
(math major/history minor) and will start her masters degree program in
January (secondary education). On top of that, we own several businesses,
have a full social life, and have several volunteer activities we're
involved in. Plus we like to have a little time for other things (like this
newsgroup, spending time together, and so on). That leaves very little time
for other things. Since we don't really have a place to fully exploit HF,
and don't want to waste time learning code, getting another license class is
just not that high on our list of things to do.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)