In article . net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes:
"KØHB" wrote:
I have no agenda.
Sure you do, Hans. Aren't you promoting an alternative licensing system
with stiffer tests for newcomers? This points to an obvious reason why you
would focus on the "electronics expert" portion of 97.1(d) while ignoring
the rest.
Sounds like Hans is promoting a "BAA" (Bachelor of Amateur Arts)
degree diploma in lieu of a license. :-)
BAA...say I. :-)
(snip) it lacks any foundation of credibility
when you consider that the successful
applicant for *any* amateur license is
authorized to build his own station. (snip)
The key word is authorized, not expected, required, obligated, compelled,
obliged, or whatever. A person can build radio equipment if he or she wants,
but there is no mandate to do so.
Incorrect, Dwight. There MUST be a MANDATE to conform to the
wishes of the "QCAO" and their needs to be the CONTROLLING
elements in amateur radio activities.
In this case, "option IS a failure."
MANDATE. Control. Issue orders. Comply. Conform.