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  #399   Report Post  
Old December 7th 03, 01:21 AM
Posts: n/a

Dee D. Flint wrote:

I do NOT accept the premis that a person can know what they like without
trying something. While there are many valid reasons for not trying these
things, you cannot know if you would like them or not. For example, the
fear of heights and the potential risk factor stops me from trying
parachuting. Thus I can never know whether I would actually like it. In
the case of the 5th item on your list, it could be downright unhealthy and
should NOT be tried even if you think you would like it.

There's lots of things in life that I thought I would not like until
experience proved me wrong. I originally got into ham radio simply because
my husband at that time insisted I do this with him. Of course I "knew"
that I wouldn't like it and was only doing it to please him but in the end I
was proven wrong. It is one of my favorite pastimes.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

I have never tried drinking lye and I know I wouldn't
like it. By your reasoning I should try it as I might like dying.