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Old December 7th 03, 06:18 AM
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(N2EY) wrote in

In article et,
"Dwight Stewart" writes:

"N2EY" wrote:

Not according to Hans' answer to the above question.

Hans' answer is not in his proposal.

OK, fine.

In fact, a lot of what Hans has said in this newsgroup is not in the

It will be, if FCC acts on it in any way.

Instead, he just seems to be making up answers as he goes along.

Is that bad? His answers are all in agreement with the stated goals and
philosophy of his proposal. I haven't found a single case where Hans
has contradicted himself in this proposal thing.

Hans has suggested his idea to FCC at least twice - but always in the
form of comments to others' proposals. Seems to me it would make sense
for him to submit it to FCC and get an RM number, just like the other
14 petitions.

He could just take the various answers he's given here and work them
into the proposal (to answer the same questions which are bound to be
asked by FCC and commenters) and ship the expanded proposal to FCC.

Even though I disagree with some parts of his proposal, it seems to me
that such a formal submission is the next step if Hans is serious about
it. And I think he is.

Plus it's good to see a proposal that at least tries to address the
situation as a whole, rather than simply trying to slap another patch
on the 1951 system.

btw, some of the concepts in Hans' proposal are also part of the KL7CC
"21st Century" proposal - like the very-easy-to-get entry license with
a low power limit. But Hans had those ideas first!

73 de Jim, N2EY

To answer your question from another part of this thread, anything that
leaves closed licence classes intact feels to me like just another patch.
I find it confusing to explain to prospective hams "oh yeah, there are two
other classes of licence, but you can't get those anymore". They look at
me as if I were mad! We do need a new system, and we need to fit all
existing hams into it, albeit I don't think it will happen this time

I think the Canadians have an interesting system. Ignoring code
endorsements (doubtless soon to become irrelevant), they are split into
Basic and Advanced. The Basics get 200W and can go anywhere except 40 and
the WARC bands, and can't use homebrew rigs or be a repeater control op.
I'm not sure which bands a US Basic ought to get - it might be more useful
to keep them off 20 than 40 (besides, Novices and Tech Plusses have part
of 40, and we don't want to take privileges away). Also, nobody would want
to call the higher grade 'Advanced', for obvious reasons, how about

Maybe someone in VE would like to comment on whether they like the system
they have?

73 de Alun, N3KIP