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Old December 7th 03, 07:09 PM
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"garigue" wrote in message

"Bill Wright" wrote in message
. ..
BUT THEN change the CW band plan.
Eliminate the current segregation of the CW bands by license level and
institute a band plan based on transmit speed. We could have Low

speed -
wpm, Medium speed - 12 wpm and High speed - 20 wpm band sections. Even

you have an Extra license, you need to stay out of the "Fast Lane"

you can keep up with the traffic.

Hello Bill ....

Yepper that's what we need a novice ghetto .... I can't understand why
people can't see that one reason that the CW mess we are in is partially

to the CWists.

Yep lets put the newcomers on 80 where the summer QRN blows the phones off
your head ....or better yet let them work DX between all the crap on 40

but wait go to 15 where the band has needed Viagra over the last few

Give 'em a sliver of band so they can prove their worth .

I have always said that 5 WPM is a good entrance speed and should be
accepted "all over" the bands. Let the true ham spirit shine and let the
"speeders" slow down and work the new ops just like we once were ...or did
we forget??? For those that don't ...well your dirty underwear is

We need to foster our mode not our speed accomplishments.

To repeat myself CW unravels like a cheap sweater at 45 WPM ....
maybe I shouldn't get the bottom 5-10-20 kcs (your pick) of each band.

God Bless 73 Tom Popovic KI3R Belle Vernon Pa

A good CW operator will slow down to the others speed. It makes sense
really. Why keep going at QRQ if the other guy can't copy? Or maybe they
are just showing off.

I wonder who will be impressed ?