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Old December 8th 03, 05:29 AM
Jerry Oxendine
Posts: n/a

"KØHB" wrote in message

"N2EY" wrote

Look at the battle it took to get seat belts in
cars, and how many Americans won't use them.

Another example of the Great Dumbing Down of America.

The world is methodically being dumbed down by government efforts to

us from stupid people.

Stupid drivers don't recognize the dangers of speed, so they drive too

and kill themselves. The government regulates speed, so now more stupid
people survive.

Stupid automobile passengers get killed because they don't buckle their
seat belts. Government steps in and makes seat belt usage mandatory,
so now more stupid people survive.

Stupid pedestrians don't know enough to not step out into a busy street,

they get injured and killed trying to cross the street. The government

laws giving them the right-of-way, so now more stupid people survive.

Stupid parents don't recognize the value of childhood inoculations. The
government makes them vaccinate their children before entering school, so
now more stupid people survive.

Stupid hams don't know enough to keep their fingers out of 3KV plate
transformers, so they get fried in their own juice. Some would have the
government protect them, and more stupid people would survive.

In the ways of Mother Nature, stupidity was kept in check because stupid
people generally didn't survive to breeding age, thus our species tended

get smarter over time.

But stupidity begets stupidity, so we are being overwhelmed by a tsunami

stupidity. The tsunami is triggered by the government protection of

people, which allows them to survive to reproduce.

Ergo, less government regulations makes a smarter populace.

73, de Hans, K0HB


I have to agree with you! How did we survive the '50s,
even the '70s without socialists like Hilary Clinton "protecting" us from
ourselves? We misbehaved, we got
paddled by a teacher and Dad gave you a "whuppin'" when you got home! GASP!!
HORRORS! We rode our
bicycles and didn't know what helmets were? You're KIDDING! We climbed
trees, fell out, had the breath knocked out of us, got up and kept going.
HUH? Why,
we'll have to make trees illegal!! We sent each other flying high in the
air by jumping on a short plank in a modified game of see-saw; sometimes the
plank skewed
to one side and we broke arms and ribs. Let's SUE somebody! We got up again
with skinned knees, and when it quit smarting, we got back on the board and
did it again. In high school, we drove school busses at 16!
WHAAAAAAAAAAT??????? We even had bus drivers' club! What, that's CRAZY! No
it wasn't. At that time, North Carolina had one of the safest school
bus driver programs in the nation! We drove tractors as
soon as we could reach the pedals and Pop-popped (John Deere) our way down
the highway with no supervi-
sion going from one field to another. YIKES!! We drove farm pickups (off
road) as soon as we could shift
gears, too! HORRORS! GASP! CALL THE LIBERALS! We expect to remain
free, yet we quietly
surrender our rights to the left wingers who represent one
of the greatest threats next to our external enemies. That is because it is
creeping socialism" and slips up on us one right at a time. Like the
seatbelt issue, the liberals couch their agenda in issues that seem to "be
for the good of all".
They know that they cannot suddenly, for example, take
away guns (well, there's that pesky Constition thing they'd
like to get rid of); it would set off a rebellion. They know
that their dangerous agenda can be met if they use issues
that to seem to be "good"----like saving lives with laws such as seat belt

The thing is, seat belts DO save lives in the majority if cases. And I am
all in favor of them; I never start my
car without putting mine on. BUT! I don't like the idea
of some el-pinko, bleeding heart, drippy hippy relic from
1968 in wire-rimmed glasses telling me what to do, nor do I like it, or
think it should be a law.

We have too many laws now. Down with the Hillary Clintons!!!! LOL!
