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  #436   Report Post  
Old December 8th 03, 05:57 PM
Posts: n/a

In article , Alun

Several countries around the world have moved, or are moving, forward
eliminate the Morse Code testing requirement while the United States
sits back and watches.

What's the count now?

I think they include at least the UK, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Papua New Guinea and Australia (not until
Jan 1st). New Zealand may actually do it before Australia, as they have
said it would be before the end of the year, but have given no date. I am
pretty sure I have missed a couple out, too.

Oddly enough, Japan hasn't changed a thing, even though Japan has been the
poster country for no-code-test HF licenses.

The number of Japanese hams is dropping like a stone, judged by the number of
station licenses.

73 de Jim, N2EY