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Old December 9th 03, 09:12 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Dee D. Flint" wrote:

Such exposure doesn't give anyone
sufficient information to make an
informed decision.

Of course, that's just an opinion, isn't it? You're not an expert on the
human decision making process and there are no studies to show whether it is
or isn't sufficient, right? If not, your opinion is no more valid than mine.

Again you are NOT reading my words.
I've repeatedly stated that one can make
judgments based on risks, dangers, and
harm even if they have not experienced it.
Murder does serious harm and therefore
does not need to be experienced.
However where such detrimental effects
don't come into play, it is not possible to
say one does or does not like something
unless they have experienced it. (snip)

Again, we make decisions each day without personal experience to
necessarily back it up. This includes who we associate with, who we date,
what we eat for lunch, what books we buy, what shows we watch on television,
whether we marry, and the list goes on virtually forever. And, again, your
demand for more here shows a serious lack of respect for people's ability to
make their own choices.

I refrain from forming opinions on things
I've never tried. There will be things that
I will never form an opinion on. (snip)

I find that very difficult to believe, Dee. Did you try actual marrage
before actually getting married? Did you try driving on the highway before
deciding to get a license? Did you try your job before actually taking it?
Again, there are many things we choose to do or not do without actually
trying them first.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)