"Brian" wrote:
"Dwight Stewart" wrote:
NATO, even today, is critical to our
strategic defense in that region of the
world. Likewise, bases in Europe play
an important role in many lesser conflicts
overseas (refueling, supply, protection
for ships passing through that area, area
commands, and so on). Europe could
defend itself today. We benefit that
defense just as they benefit our defense.
Therefore, we need those bases in
Europe just about as much as they need
Dwight, things haven't changed -that- much.
You've somehow rolled national defense
and NATO into the United Nations. It just
isn't so.
I did? I don't remember saying a single word about the United Nations. You
were talking about NATO ("I never knew that NATO benefited the USA," you
said). I responded to that. Our military relations with Europe is important
and NATO is a major part of that.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)