Subject: Why I Like The ARRL
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 12/20/03 2:50 PM Central Standard Time
ANYONE can do, Mike. That's the Word from the newsgroupies in
here. Little kids can do it. No aptitude needed...just the guts and
determination and a terrible Will To Win, like it was the Most
Important Thing In Your Life!
If you're 10 years old and it's a school project you need a good grade
for, it just may be the most important thing in your life!
But then how would YOU know about anyhting important in Amateur Radio,
Lennie...?!?!? You're STILL not a licensee.
Just a liar.
No one can possibly be interested in radio without being morse code
tested. The gods of radio have spoken! It's divine LAW!
You have yet to provide the quote form ANYone who has said anything like
this, Lennie...You keep reciting this as "fact", yet you offer no proof.
More lies from someone who finds it easier to lie than to "do it".
Steve, K4YZ