Hello Guys .... give me a time and I'd be glad to meet
you on 80 or 40 after 9PM ....
God Bless Merrry Christmas ...Tom KI3R
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
"G. Doughty" wrote:
Well, passed my element one with no problems yesterday and have been
trying to get some contacts on hf with cw. I love cw but 5wpm just
cutting it so I am back to Numorse to bring up my speed.
Anyone out there that tried a contact with me, sorry. I was forever
putting out QRS and still not getting it all. I will be back though.
You and me both G. (George?) 5wpm didn't work too well for me, so I'm
doing a lot of Numorse. don't forget to listen too, as there is a
difference between the computer spitting out Morse and real on the air
- Mike KB3EIA -