In article , Mike Coslo
Should Tech plus people be given a General (or whatever replaces it)
If they passed their Tech written before March 21, 1987, they can get a General
with no additional testing. The rules have provided for this testless upgrade
since restructuring.
Even if they let their old license expire, they can get credit for current
Element 1 *and* Element 3.
After all, they passed the Element one test, the old barrier to
HF...... BUT....
Since there is no barrier to HF from the code test, and Tech pluses
*might* get HF privileges, should ALL tech's get HF privileges since
they took the same test?
Sure - and that has been proposed by several of the petitions before FCC,
including NCI's and NCVEC's.
The surreal part of it is that those privileges consist of Morse privileges on
three bands plus CW and SSB privileges on one band.
After all the only difference is the Tech plus'
took Element one, which is no longer, which means it isn't a
requirement, so they shouldn't have HF privileges on a defunct test
requirement............... SO it only follows.......
HF privileges would in the future be granted by taking the equivalent
of a Technician test?
Yup, simple indeed.
Depends entirely on the wording of the changes if Element 1 is dropped. Some
folks want to take the incremental approach - just drop Element 1 and see what
73 de Jim, N2EY