Alun wrote:
Dave Head wrote in
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 00:36:08 GMT, Mike Coslo
And what a short-lived phenom that was! Now at the university
level at
least, the Techies and Engineers to a large extent are not from the US,
while our kids are busy getting MBA's and becoming lawyers!
- Mike KB3EIA -
Ya' go where the money is! Engineering is great, but the law, and
management is greater if you're talking from a money angle.
Engineers are workers. They should probably have a division in the
UAW, 'cuz sure as you're born, if you're a worker (employee), you're
going to get abused.
Those doing the abusing are the guys with the MBAs.
There are no longer enough jobs to be had to simply leave if you get
abused, you mostly have to take it. If you do leave, chances are
you'll just get abused by different people.
Lawyers hang out a shingle and charge what the traffic will bear. They
don't have someone else setting their pay rates, nor screwing around
with their health insurance, making them sign away their rights to
anything they might be able to think up and patent, etc.
Look at what's happened to programmers. Their livelihood has been
destroyed both by importation of cheap labor (H1B visas) and export of
the work entirely to places like India, Russia, etc. If you move the
needle on the idiot meter at all, you may just get into programming
school. Then you can figure significantly in the unemplyoment
statistics, or the "working poor" statistics.
You mostly can't export what an MBA does, nor can cheap foreign labor
be imported to do it. Ditto for the law practicioners.
So, no need to wonder why the kids aren't falling all over themselves
to get in line to be abused.
I think the kids today are smarter than we were...
Dave Head
So let me get this right..... the secret to happiness is to become an
MBA or a lawyer, even if you would rather be a technophile?
I've had a screwed up outlook all these years!!!!
- Mike KB3EIA -