The company that made ARRL Designer (Compact Software) was bought by Ansoft.
They have greatly enhanced the capability, and the current offering is
available as a free student version he
There are also many other evaluation & student packages available on the net
for free. Check out this site as a starter:
Also, if you do an internet search on "RF circuit analysis software" or
something similar, you'll get lots of hits.
BTW, I run ARRL Designer under Win98SE and it's fine. What OS are you trying
to use it with?
"KØHB" wrote in message
Several years ago ARRL marketed a WIN3.xx software package called "Radio
Designer" which was a 'lite' copy of a commercial RF design program.
Unfortunately the program does not run under 16- and 32-bit Windows
environments, and the OEM is not interested in entering into further
arrangements with ARRL.
Does anyone know of a similar program in a price range (under $500)
attractive to hams?
73, de Hans, K0HB